Edwards: Detroit understands very well what happens when manufacturers leave USA. We should have trade agreements that have real environmental and labor standards and have a government that enforces those standards. On Africa, we should lead the charge to provide public education to every child in Africa and clean drinking water. America should be standing up for those kids.
Kucinich: When NAFTA passed in 1994, worker’s rights were weakened and the stage was set for U.S. companies left. Cancel NAFTA and the WTO and go back to an economy that’s based on worker’s rights and human rights and environmental rights. Africa is being exploited by the same trade agreements.
Biden: We have the opportunity to assert America’s dominance and this means investing in health care. We need to have an energy policy that invests in the industry, particularly lithium ion batteries—create new modern technologies. Increase the amount of money invested in our infrastructure and roads
Clinton: If we enter into new trade agreements, there need to be worker and environmental rights with enforceable mechanisms. We must rebuild our manufacturing base. Michigan has lost 300,000 jobs under Bush. We must have a partnership between business and labor that’s good for the economy and morally as a rich nation who is charged with taking care of people.
Obama: The Bush administration has ignored China’s manipulation of our currency to make imports more expensive and their exports less expensive. We shouldn’t provide tax breaks to companies who are moving jobs overseas. We must make investments in infrastructure and worker training. If we’re spending $10b to $12b in Iraq, we can take that money and invest it here.
Richardson: When we make policy decisions, Africa is often overlooked. I will care about aid and refugees and notes his time as ambassador to the UN has helped shape is purview of what needs to be done in Africa. Get rid of tax incentive that is given to companies when they go overseas. Will invest in new technologies and bring that innovation to minority communities.
Dodd: "Pro-growth strategy." Providing access to mainstream financial institutions for minorities and applauds NAACP’s stance on payday loans.
Gravel: Where do you think NAFTA came from? It came from the Democrats. We need to examine ourselves. We’re facing a $50 trillion fiscal gap. We can’t do squat.