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October 19, 2007



your fast is really inspiring - it inspired us to fast in Edinburgh. Like our blog entry said, we had a sunrise 'til sunset vigil with fasting, in the centre of Edinburgh, while telling people about our campaign to cancel the debts that Indonesia owes the UK for our past financial and military support for Suharto. Four people did the fast (with breaks here and there), and fifty people overall helped out on the vigil throughout the week.

It just feels so right to be out on the street talking to strangers - it is to healthy to break stereotypes and preconceptions about who will talk back about the campaign. I think that a campaign is built like this, stitch by stitch, having conversations with hundreds of people, and hoping the conversation will catch fire with others. Midweek we had an unprompted call from the Chancellor's office, inviting us to a meeting. I'll feel so much more confident about the conversation, having rehearsed it so many times, and fielded challenges and objections.

Thanks for the inspiration - your work seems literally awesome from this side of the Atlantic.

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