Nov. 7, "The Esther Strategy": Progressive ecumenical movements advocating for social change have remained true to Esther’s example using the special access they may have to political power to further the objectives of the campaigners who sit outside White House gates proclaiming what the president, the United States, the Congress must do. These inside/outside strategies are the stuff that makes a movement. They in fact have influenced administrations to move – especially on international debt cancellation and in creating a U.S. response to the global AIDS crisis. MORE
Nov. 8, "Jubilee Act Vital for African Development": “Debt has kept Africa in bondage long after the end of slavery,” said Emira Woods. “This legislation could help break those chains. It won’t solve all of the problems of the world’s poorest countries. But it will give these struggling nations a better chance of building strong, secure and healthy societies.” MORE
Nov. 13, "Liberia's debt cancellation approved": After hues and cries, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has finally agreed to cancel Liberia's outstanding debts. After securing sufficient funding and pledge [US $842 million] from donor nations, the IMF promised to start the cancellation process as soon as the pledges have been honoured. MORE